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1501 г.

…“Володимирцы”, “москвитины”, “рязанцы”. Во всех русских городах такие прозвища давались тем людям, которые осели в чужом городе. “Таболины”, “табол” – выходец с реки Таболы. Кто они были, эти люди или человек, давшие название села Таболово? Ушедшие от набегов переселенцы, носившие название реки своей родины как фамилию? В грамоте Ивана III, жалующего земли свои Суздальские сыну Юрию в 1501, году упоминается “Таболины деревни” и “Ивашка Козлов Таболин сын” – тоже владелец села? Река Табола, на берегах которой растут бортные деревья. Река, пахнущая мёдом. Село Таболово – памятник мужеству русских воинов, дошедший к нам сквозь тени времён. Название села – отзвук неизвестных человеческих судеб.

XVII век

Родословцы Московского государства любили бездоказательно выводить основателей московских боярских родов “из Орды”, “из немецъ” и т.п. Это стояло в тесной связи с тем, что и сами московские государи иногда поддавались соблазну вести свой род “из Прус” и от самого кесаря Августа. Но изыскания исследователей, в частности, Н.П. Лихачёва, выдвинули подтверждённую версию происхождения рода Морозовых, в котором триста лет спустя и появится Василий Петрович Морозов, боярин, первый известный владелец Таболова.

1627 г.

Два знатных владельца Таболова упомянуты в “Пехрянской десятине” В. и Г. Холмогоровых так: “Село Таболово на речке Купельне, по писцовым книгам 135 и 136 (1627-1628 гг.), сельцо Московского уезда, Ратуева стана – вотчина боярина князя Ивана Бориса Черкаскаго, что было прежъ того вотчина боярина Василья Петровича Морозова, в сельце находилось крестьян десять дворов и бобылей три двора…”

1669 г.

На “Чертеже земель по Каширской и Фроловской дорогам в окрестностях Москвы” 1669 года Таболово видно, как с высоты птичьего полёта. И рядом с крошечными строениями вотчинникова дома – церковь, деревянная маленькая церковь. Пехрянская десятина упоминает о старой церкви, существовавшей до начала XVII века и упразднённой. По писцовым книгам 1135 и 1136 гг. значится: “В сельце Таболове место церковное, пашни церковные 12 чети в поле, а в дву потомуж”.

1678 г.

В 1678 году сельцо Таболово принадлежало боярину Михаилу Ивановичу Морозову. В сельце числилось семнадцать дворов крестьянских, в которых проживало тридцать девять человек, двор боярский и семь дворов поверенных людей с двенадцатью людьми. Причём эти владельцы села Таболова к Василию Петровичу Морозову не имеют никакого отношения, они просто однофамильцы.

1680 г.

По смерти М.И. Морозова с. Таболово причислено к дворцовому ведомству в 1680 году. В 1681 году сельцо Таболово пожаловано вдове Анне Петровне Хитрово, мамке (воспитательнице) царя Феодора Алексеевича.

1696 г.

В 1696 году “уступила (Анна Петровна Хитрово) сельцо Таболово за 5000 рублей стольникам Фёдору и Андрею Апраксину. Землю поделили: Фёдору – 100 четвертей, так как он заплатил 4000 рублей, а Андрею – 35 четвертей за 1000 рублей”.

1700 г.

Апраксины – известнейшая аристократическая фамилия России. К старшему брату, Петру Матвеевичу Апраксину, Таболово, судя по свидетельству “Пехрянской десятины”, перешло в 1700 году. Здесь он и построил Успенскую церковь.

1704 г.

Обет построения церкви во имя Успения Пресвятой Богородицы дан Петром Апраксиным, вероятнее всего, в связи с победой русских войск в войне со шведами. В июле 1704 года русские штурмом взяли Юрьев (Дерпт, ныне Тарту), а в августе – Нарву и Иван-город. Дни победных штурмов приходятся на канун или сам праздник Успения Пресвятой Богородицы.

1757 г.

В 1757 году внук Апраксина продаёт село князю Дмитрию Юрьевичу Трубецкому. По имеющимся сведениям, за 1766 год тогда в церкви Успения Пресвятой Богородицы служили священник Дмитрий Александров 57 лет и дьякон Андрей Дмитриев 32 лет.

1794 г.

В 1794 году сын князя Дмитрия Юрьевича, князь Иван Дмитриевич Трубецкой, продал бригадиру Степану Григорьевичу, сыну Мельгунову, имение. “...За всё вышеназванное недвижимое своё имение денег серебряного рублёвого монетою двадцать тысяч рублей… с помещичьим двором, с садом и прудами, людским и крестьянским строением и со всяким же скотом и со птицы…”

1872 г.

Наталья Алексеевна Мельгунова, как свидетельствует купчая от 6 февраля 1872 г., №112, пр.кн. 6/4, продала имение при с. Таболове, земли 432 дес., 505 саж. на сумму 35000 рублей. От них по купчей от 11 октября 1872 г. имение перешло к Тилю Андрею Осиповичу, купеческому сыну. Купчая от 20 марта 1881 г. №410, реестр 615, креп, кн. 9/5.

1881 г.

“Имение при с. Таболове, с землёю 432 дес., 505 саж., со строениями и лесом, водами и всякими… угодьями стоимостью 40000 руб. Тилем Андреем Осиповичем, купеческим сыном, продано купцу Гаврилову Ивану Егоровичу. Им же по купчей 24/13 от 13 августа 1881 года куплено от Тиля земли при с. Апаринки, Видного тож 52 дес. 600 саж.” Церковь с. Таболово – Успенья 1 дес. 2284 саж. (Нотариальные записи Подольского уезда Сухановской волости).

1921 г.

Таболовская усадьба досталась советской власти в хорошем состоянии. Три дома, строения, скот, сельхозугодья Гавриловых. Пятнадцатого июля 1921 года – первый донос какого-то “доброхота” и не последний протокол в той борьбе с “новыми строителями социализма”. Протоиерей Иосиф Введенский понимает: они пришли не только за его домом и садом. Они пришли, чтобы не было храма. И пока он борется за каждый час службы в нём, за каждый огонёк свечи, храм будет жить.

1934 г.

1 октября 1934 года состоялось окончательное закрытие Успенской церкви в с. Гаврилово Ленинского района. Потом в бывшей церкви будет склад, потом диспетчерская автобазы, водонапорная башня. В 1958 году Центральная студия документальных фильмов получила у управления культуры Мособлсовета в аренду “ветхое здание церкви, в запущенном состоянии”.

1990 г.

4 ноября 1990 года – особая дата. Первая служба в Успенской церкви г. Видное. Первая служба в первом переданном Русской Православной Церкви храме Ленинского района, открытие которого послужило добрым началом возрождения духовной жизни на Видновской земле. Настоятелем церкви был назначен игумен Тихон (Недосекин).

1992 г.

В 1992 году жизнь храма несколько изменилась, так как он был преобразован в подворье Свято-Екатерининского мужского монастыря. Одиннадцать лет Успенская церковь служила важным примером возрождения духовности и религиозности нашего общества. За это время не один десяток молодых священнослужителей проходит пастырско-богословскую практику в этом храме.

2003 г.

29 мая 2003 года начинается новая страница истории Успенского храма. Указом Управляющего Московской Епархией митрополитом Крутицким и Коломенским Ювеналием назначен новый настоятель и благочинный церквей Видновского округа священник Михаил Егоров. Таким образом, подворье древней обители становится центральным, самостоятельным храмом Видновского благочиния.

2005 г.

10 сентября 2005 года митрополит Крутицкий и Коломенский Ювеналий совершил освящение Успенской церкви. Это был день 300-летнего юбилея храма. На юбилейную дату Успенский храм также посетил губернатор Московской области Б.В. Громов.

2007 г.

4 сентября 2007 года указом митрополита Крутицкого и Коломенского Ювеналия настоятелем Успенской церкви г. Видное и помощником благочинного церквей Видновского округа назначен иеромонах Софроний (Горохольский).

2013 г.

2 июня 2013 года состоялось освящение девяти новых колоколов и теперь Успенский храм имеет самую большую в Видновском благочинии звонницу, состоящую из шестнадцати колоколов. В 1825 году колокольня храма имела всего пять колоколов, самый тяжелый из которых весил 850 кг. Все колокола были уничтожены в годы советской власти. Теперь, благодаря современным технологиям, на небольшую колокольню удалось изготовить и установить большой колокол весом более двух тонн.

2014 г.

К концу года в Успенском храме г. Видное была полностью завершена фресковая роспись всех стен. Иконография состоит из использования и элементов ярославской, новгородской и палехской техник. В общей сложности нанесено более пятидесяти многофигурных композиций (включая большие «Страшный суд», «Церковь торжествующая» и притчи евангельские), — или более тысячи персонажей.

2015 г.

В храме появились две святыни. Это новый главный храмовый образ «Успение Пресвятой Богородицы» и икона «Избранные святые» с частицами мощей вмц. Екатерины, вмц. Варвары, прп. Сергия Радонежского, ап. Андрея Первозванного, мч. Трифона, прп. Амвросия Оптинского, прп. Силуана Афонского. Эти большие иконы были установлены в напольные киоты центральной части храма.

2016 г.

К великому празднику Рождества Христова в Успенский храм г. Видное была подарена большая святыня. Это икона Пресвятой Богородицы «Знамение», написанная в 1907 году в Русском Пантелеимоновом монастыре на Святой Горе Афон. Основной смысл иконография данной иконы начинается от заступнической молитвы Богоматери Оранты (что значит «Молящаяся») к Боговоплощению Христа. «Знамение» заключает в себе образ Благовещения и предзнаменование Рождества и следующих за ним евангельских событий вплоть до Второго пришествия Христова. Перед этой иконой верующие люди просят Господа и Его Пречистую Матерь о прекращении бедствий в тяжких скорбях и искушениях, об исцелении различных болезней, о примирении с родными, детьми и соседями, о мире между странами, для избавления от кровной вражды, о защите от нападения врагов, от пожаров, о защите от воров и преступников, об избавлении от эпидемий.

Фотогалерея Видеоматериалы Аудиотека Благотворительная столовая Наши издания Юридический кабинет В поисках истины Детские сады Социальная деятельность прихода Православный образовательный клуб для взрослых — Пажить Православный образовательный клуб детского творчества — Асида Православный образовательный клуб для особых детей — Благостыня Православная паломническая служба Успенского храма г. Видное — Пальмовник Приходское собрание Библиотека Настоятели о храме
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Your doctor can provide you with further instructions on the way to naturally approach your balding. But, as with every hereditary condition like diabetes, the onset and severity are influenced by how you take care of your system throughout your health (proper dieting, exercise, adequate rest, natural supplements, etc. Generic propecia cuts down on formation of DHT within the body and hence, encourages hair regrowth. Some other hair growth products include shampoos and conditioners that contain vitamins as well as other growth ingredients. * Finasteride is marketed as Proscar (5mg finasteride) or propecia (1mg finasteride) by way in the Merck & Co.

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Many popular and expensive baldness treatment options today such as Provillus, and Procerin, offer the "active" ingredient saw palmetto. Wigs and hairpieces are widely-used to cover baldness for both temporary and permanent baldness. A good idea for men suffering from hair loss is to switch between shampoos another day. Propecia is certainly one such medicine which has specifically been designed to deal with the men's receding baldness and actually initiates new hair growth. Propecia prevents testosterone from turning into DHT, which kills your hair follicle.

First beauty tip that I have is called an "Aspirin Mask". When you're under stress or fatigue, the hair loss is even less than with Rogaine. Male Pattern Baldness begins when the hair follicles start producing an enzyme called alpha 5. Though the results could be slower and less dramatic compared to approved drugs, the products provide an alternative for people who want to are able to control their baldness without using drugs or surgery. However, factors such as age and hormonal imbalance are considered being factors that will cause this disorder.

If the truth is any advertisements that claim you are able to get Propecia physician, websites like these and pharmacies who placed the ads are probably selling unapproved drugs. ringworm, frequent shampooing, perms, bleaching, and dyeing hair. It is essential to thoroughly wash out any shampoo to remove harmful detergents. Hair enhances our beauty and plays a substantial role in projecting our self-image. Hair products, including shampoos, gels or sprays, won't cause baldness.

Using all the nutritional knowledge which has been gained, experts came up with natural hair thinning supplements which contain powerful mixtures of of these important nutrients, as well as some others which have shown some capacity to promote healthy hair production. This hormone can also be found on the scalp and gets into the head of hair follicles and shrinks them prevent visible hair from growing. An enzyme by the name of 5-alpha-redutase takes place in high amounts in the hair follicle cell which further converts the testosterone into the way of DHT. The nutrients you get from your foods you consume to have distributed throughout the body including hair. Fatty acids also reduce inflammation within the body which is key if your hair loss is related to autoimmune inflammation.

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Another symptom of baldness is the gradual thinning or shortening of existing hair. False: Believe it or not, nice hair is not actually alive. This drug mainly reduced the head of hair fall loss in vertex and mid scalp area from the anterior head pattern. Using herbs like saw palmetto is often a huge key to having you hair back because it also inhibits the enzyme accountable for creating DHT. A diversity of trials has also proved that Generic Levitra developed the individual's capability to attain whilst a penile erection.

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With either drug it can take up to six months to determine improvement and as long as two years for flowing hair to reach peak fullness. The question that I posed to my primary care physician - and that he didn't have an answer for me - was this: why can't he write me a prescription for Proscar, and I'll buy among those little "pill cutters" the thing is in drugstores, and I'll take a fifth of your tablet every day. Stress or sudden medical problems can cause huge amounts of thinning hair at one time, but nothing that wont grow back. The unwanted effects might be worse than attempting to regrow your hair. There are several benefits of the kind of combinationtherapy.

Since shrinkage of the hair follicle occurs in male pattern baldness too, scientists hope that the discovery of the APCDD1 gene will afford them a greater chance to review hair follicle shrinkage both in conditions. As up to you wish to believe that is true, you also have to look for new hair growth solution to become able to regenerate that lost pride. The American Academy of Dermatology(1) explains that - generally speaking -- 90 percent of hair actively grows while 10 percent is inside a resting phase. Also, starches aren't necessarily bad when eaten without excess - just don't overdo it. Conversely, do not take a dose lower than prescribed either, as this might not cause any beneficial results.

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Originally prescribed by doctors for benign prostate hyperplasia (prostate problems), the drug continues to be shown to avoid hair loss plus some cases turnaround for the balding process. Unfortunately, similar to most other scientifically proven treatments for hair thinning and hair thinning, all newly re-grown hair with Minoxidil falls out after the medication is stopped. The problem is brought about by many different causes. Sometimes you'll be able to lose nearly 100 hairs each day or more. However, medicines must never be taken by women who're of childbearing age or who will be planning to own children, as it could cause severe birth defects.

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In many cases hair loss may be brought on by a combination of those factors. The Laser - Comb is yet another product that can regrow hair. Propecia could be purchased from either an web shop or through any neighborhood pharmacy. Severe abnormalities, especially affecting a male child's sexual organs, can occur being a result to exposure to the ingredients in Propecia. The chances that you simply will lose your libido from finasteride or grow additional facial hair because of minoxidil are less than 1%.

One very popular brand prescribed to and used by baldness sufferers is Yasmin, but you will find others. This hormone can be found on the scalp and gets into your hair follicles and shrinks them prevent visible hair from growing. Good and healthier hair has an essential role to play in men's personality. The manufacturer claims that in studies involving mostly white females aged 18-45, 19% from the sample reported moderate hair regrowth, 40% reported minimal regrowth after application of 2% minoxidil for 8 months, compared with 7% who reported moderate hair regrowth after utilizing a placebo through the same span. Fatty acids also reduce inflammation by the body processes which is key if your hair thinning is related to autoimmune inflammation.

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It is a very brave replacement for make and a heavy testament to self-esteem, confidence and inner peace. There are numerous other hair restoration transplant procedures from which to choose. Chemotherapy also causes this issue in cancer patients. Propecia: GENERIC NAME: FINASTERIDE - ORAL (HAIR GROWTH):. , its manufacturer, halts hair thinning in a tastes those taking it (86 percent) so it helps regrow hair in up to 50 % (48 percent) of patients.

The usage of hair treatments can cause hair loss due on the chemicals used like dying, tinting, bleaching, permanent waves or straightening. If ensure think further about or do any more research on baldness, it is possible to stop scanning this article right this moment and just go get Propecia and Rogaine and initiate using them. Other solutions to counter male male pattern baldness include hair restoration surgery, furnished by companies like Bosley. While the Rogaine dropper and spray could be messy, the Rogaine foam formula is relatively simple to use also to clean. Also that which you put our hair through in order to look good may also be tormenting to hair's health.

Most men will experience male pattern baldness at some point in their lives. However, factors including age, hormonal imbalance, medications, intoxication, illnesses and infections can be a few that could cause this condition. Genes are a determining factor whether or not you might are afflicted by MPB. Dihydro-testosterone or DHT is really a hormone that gradually weakens the follicles and causes follicle atrophy, resulting in permanent male pattern hair loss. Although a bit more expensive, the 5% option is probably a greater option - a higher concentration (as much as 5%) may be what is needed to prohibit further baldness.

Propecia helps you to boost the density of hair plus reduces thinning hair within 3-6 months of treatment, based on following the doctor's advice. Rogaine, available over the counter, is believed to work by revitalizing shrunken hair follicles, increasing their size. It includes a substance called minoxidil that helps for blood flow thereby increases blood circulation towards the scalp. In addition, there aren't any food restrictions, so that you take Propecia with or without food. Fatty acids also lessen inflammation in your body which is key if your hair loss is related to autoimmune inflammation.

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The primary thing all three of these hair thinning treatments offer men being affected by premature thinning hair is hope ' hope that things could possibly get better, and hope that what has been lost may be brought back again. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that plays a determining role in sexual development during adolescence, will be the main culprit in relation to initiating hair thinning. Other essential oils which improve growth of hair and reduce thinning hair include lavender oil, lemon oil, thyme oil, sage oil, and carrot seed oil. Scarring alopecia typically requires the top with the scalp and occurs predominantly in Black women. The disorder happens when something gets in the manner of the procedure of erection.

Take care of your system, continue to dress fashionably and bear yourself with confidence. Many men try to conceal or hide their baldness with the help of hats, caps, mufflers, turbans but previously people will be capable of see the recessed hairline beneath these covering. Other men will groom their balding hair and appearance very distinguished by growing additional hair on your face to balance it out. No one can possibly deny that the beautiful head of hair can make a huge statement about one's health, strength, and in many cases their sexual prowess. The dermal papilla is at direct exposure to blood capillaries in your skin to derive the nutrientsfor the growing hair follicle.

After they reach their twenties, men begin to own problems which has a recessed hairline. The only other FDA approved drug to treat baldness is finasteride. Are you wondering about Finasteride, Propecia and Minoxidil. He walks you thoroughly relating to your treatment rendering it more convenient for you. Men who are already suffering from such thinning hair problem can easily relax and get their dose of drug called propecia.

Using all of the nutritional knowledge that has been gained, experts came up with natural thinning hair supplements that contain powerful mixtures coming from all of these important nutrients, in addition to some others who have shown some ability to promote healthier hair production. In addition to hair restoration surgeries, you can find surgeries for guys with alopecia that literally reduces or expands the scalp and they are called alopecia reduction surgeries. An enzyme through the name of 5-alpha-redutase happens in high amounts in the hair follicle cell which further converts the testosterone into the way of DHT. As many results because this drug yields, they have its own unwanted side effects because of its content of minoxidil a blood pressure levels drug. During this, they're going to also get yourself a family medical history along with a personal history.

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I would support my better half if he thought we would undergo some kind of hair replacement therapy, but I wouldn't encourage him to find treatment, nor would I cause him to feel like he's any less attractive than men who aren't experiencing baldness, because he isn't. It has been said that as well much red meat can cause baldness. From my experience, any new new hair growth from Rogaine tends to drop out in as quick being a few days to 1 week after stopping application. Source: The Hair Loss Cure: How to Treat Alopecia and Thinning Hair by Elizabeth Steel. Proscar is mostly prescribed should you have benign prostate enlargement.

Propecia is the only treatment for certain type of hair thinning in men. False: Believe it or otherwise not, nice hair is not actually alive. The causes for hair thinning are varied and we need to know the actual cause, to get able to help remedy it. And do not believe that all natural, baldness treatments feel safe. The men aged 50-60 who took the Propecia had their PSA levels decline by 50%.

Your doctor can present you with further instructions regarding how to naturally approach your balding. But, just like any hereditary condition like diabetes, the onset and severity are affected by how you take care of your body throughout your health (healthy diet, exercise, adequate rest, supplements, etc. Of course the other option for male pattern baldness therapy is hair transplant surgery. It has to be consumed on day after day just being a vitamin. A healthy body furnished with good nutrients does everything better than one lacking in these critical substances, because ultimately all biological functioning is interconnected.

If you might be leaving with a trip or vacation, it is up for the discretion of your respective insurance provider whether or not they will allow you to receive a vacation supply. There are two drugs approved through the Food and Drug Administration and are shown to have a positive impact on balding, Finasteride and Minoxidil (Rogaine). It could be called being a miracle drug for the people who couldn't stop hair fall despite several trials. Before occurring any drug regimen, you need to do your research, request information from from those who've used it before, and consult your doctor. However, please note this recovery process will take several months depending for the severity with the loss.

There a wide range of artificial treatments that might be undertaken but these are not fool proof and cannot be banked upon. Natural Treatments vary from massages to vitamins, through a variety of mixtures. False: When using all of these products, it affects the hair, instead of the follicles. It is categorized as a genetic problem for 90% men while in women it is mainly caused by hormonal imbalance. Some men start balding of their 20's, proving hair loss does not discriminate against age.

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For more details about Propecia Generic Finasteride, speak with your Doctor. Androgenic alopecia, or male male pattern baldness, is a condition that will develop in up to two-thirds of most men from the age of 65, and also 25% in men in their twenties will manifest some signs of this incredibly common disorder. Good looks are something which is required at many points in everyday life, sometimes, in which the brain isn't required as much. Americans spend a billion dollars per year trying to regrow their hair. A dermatologist is even more likely to get very acquainted with Propecia than all your family members doctor.

Therefore, you ought to just not try and test any product or procedure without its thorough examination. At first, I just passed rid of it as bad lighting, a dirty mirror, or perhaps the results of your funny haircut. Hair loss could be an indication of your underlying health condition. The major issue my hubby had with Propecia (finasteride) was who's came with sexual unwanted side effects. However, depending on research a duration of 32 years on men who're deficient on the enzyme that propecia suppresses, 5-alpha reductase, the mechanism by which propecia works seems to get quite safe for very long term use.

) It can be not however absolutely understood how DHT has an relation to the scalp but it is acknowledged that if somebody is genetically susceptible to baldness, DHT may well initiate the method of so-named follicular miniaturization. You'll require some sugar, fresh lemon juice and water along with a few clean jars to hold your concoction into. Other solutions to counter male male pattern hair loss include hair restoration surgery, supplied by companies like Bosley. I once went on a liquid diet and lost hair, but it grew back. Also that which you put our hair through only to look good is oftentimes tormenting to your hair's health.

Some remedies are less invasive and less than others. You can discover and receive your medicine from your comfort of your house. Propecia can be purchased from either an online shop or through any neighborhood pharmacy. Hair enhances our overall look and plays a tremendous role in projecting our self-image. Surgical hair replacement can give you back nice hair.

Propecia allows you boost the density of hair as well as reduces hair thinning within 3 to 5 months of treatment, based on following your physician's advice. Rogaine, available over the counter, is believed to work by revitalizing shrunken hair follicles, increasing their size. This drugs are also very expensive ($60-$70 a month) along with a generic version might not be available in the U. In addition, there aren't food restrictions, so you take Propecia with or without food. Fatty acids also help reduce inflammation by the body processes which is key if your hair loss is related to autoimmune inflammation.


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