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1501 г.

…“Володимирцы”, “москвитины”, “рязанцы”. Во всех русских городах такие прозвища давались тем людям, которые осели в чужом городе. “Таболины”, “табол” – выходец с реки Таболы. Кто они были, эти люди или человек, давшие название села Таболово? Ушедшие от набегов переселенцы, носившие название реки своей родины как фамилию? В грамоте Ивана III, жалующего земли свои Суздальские сыну Юрию в 1501, году упоминается “Таболины деревни” и “Ивашка Козлов Таболин сын” – тоже владелец села? Река Табола, на берегах которой растут бортные деревья. Река, пахнущая мёдом. Село Таболово – памятник мужеству русских воинов, дошедший к нам сквозь тени времён. Название села – отзвук неизвестных человеческих судеб.

XVII век

Родословцы Московского государства любили бездоказательно выводить основателей московских боярских родов “из Орды”, “из немецъ” и т.п. Это стояло в тесной связи с тем, что и сами московские государи иногда поддавались соблазну вести свой род “из Прус” и от самого кесаря Августа. Но изыскания исследователей, в частности, Н.П. Лихачёва, выдвинули подтверждённую версию происхождения рода Морозовых, в котором триста лет спустя и появится Василий Петрович Морозов, боярин, первый известный владелец Таболова.

1627 г.

Два знатных владельца Таболова упомянуты в “Пехрянской десятине” В. и Г. Холмогоровых так: “Село Таболово на речке Купельне, по писцовым книгам 135 и 136 (1627-1628 гг.), сельцо Московского уезда, Ратуева стана – вотчина боярина князя Ивана Бориса Черкаскаго, что было прежъ того вотчина боярина Василья Петровича Морозова, в сельце находилось крестьян десять дворов и бобылей три двора…”

1669 г.

На “Чертеже земель по Каширской и Фроловской дорогам в окрестностях Москвы” 1669 года Таболово видно, как с высоты птичьего полёта. И рядом с крошечными строениями вотчинникова дома – церковь, деревянная маленькая церковь. Пехрянская десятина упоминает о старой церкви, существовавшей до начала XVII века и упразднённой. По писцовым книгам 1135 и 1136 гг. значится: “В сельце Таболове место церковное, пашни церковные 12 чети в поле, а в дву потомуж”.

1678 г.

В 1678 году сельцо Таболово принадлежало боярину Михаилу Ивановичу Морозову. В сельце числилось семнадцать дворов крестьянских, в которых проживало тридцать девять человек, двор боярский и семь дворов поверенных людей с двенадцатью людьми. Причём эти владельцы села Таболова к Василию Петровичу Морозову не имеют никакого отношения, они просто однофамильцы.

1680 г.

По смерти М.И. Морозова с. Таболово причислено к дворцовому ведомству в 1680 году. В 1681 году сельцо Таболово пожаловано вдове Анне Петровне Хитрово, мамке (воспитательнице) царя Феодора Алексеевича.

1696 г.

В 1696 году “уступила (Анна Петровна Хитрово) сельцо Таболово за 5000 рублей стольникам Фёдору и Андрею Апраксину. Землю поделили: Фёдору – 100 четвертей, так как он заплатил 4000 рублей, а Андрею – 35 четвертей за 1000 рублей”.

1700 г.

Апраксины – известнейшая аристократическая фамилия России. К старшему брату, Петру Матвеевичу Апраксину, Таболово, судя по свидетельству “Пехрянской десятины”, перешло в 1700 году. Здесь он и построил Успенскую церковь.

1704 г.

Обет построения церкви во имя Успения Пресвятой Богородицы дан Петром Апраксиным, вероятнее всего, в связи с победой русских войск в войне со шведами. В июле 1704 года русские штурмом взяли Юрьев (Дерпт, ныне Тарту), а в августе – Нарву и Иван-город. Дни победных штурмов приходятся на канун или сам праздник Успения Пресвятой Богородицы.

1757 г.

В 1757 году внук Апраксина продаёт село князю Дмитрию Юрьевичу Трубецкому. По имеющимся сведениям, за 1766 год тогда в церкви Успения Пресвятой Богородицы служили священник Дмитрий Александров 57 лет и дьякон Андрей Дмитриев 32 лет.

1794 г.

В 1794 году сын князя Дмитрия Юрьевича, князь Иван Дмитриевич Трубецкой, продал бригадиру Степану Григорьевичу, сыну Мельгунову, имение. “...За всё вышеназванное недвижимое своё имение денег серебряного рублёвого монетою двадцать тысяч рублей… с помещичьим двором, с садом и прудами, людским и крестьянским строением и со всяким же скотом и со птицы…”

1872 г.

Наталья Алексеевна Мельгунова, как свидетельствует купчая от 6 февраля 1872 г., №112, пр.кн. 6/4, продала имение при с. Таболове, земли 432 дес., 505 саж. на сумму 35000 рублей. От них по купчей от 11 октября 1872 г. имение перешло к Тилю Андрею Осиповичу, купеческому сыну. Купчая от 20 марта 1881 г. №410, реестр 615, креп, кн. 9/5.

1881 г.

“Имение при с. Таболове, с землёю 432 дес., 505 саж., со строениями и лесом, водами и всякими… угодьями стоимостью 40000 руб. Тилем Андреем Осиповичем, купеческим сыном, продано купцу Гаврилову Ивану Егоровичу. Им же по купчей 24/13 от 13 августа 1881 года куплено от Тиля земли при с. Апаринки, Видного тож 52 дес. 600 саж.” Церковь с. Таболово – Успенья 1 дес. 2284 саж. (Нотариальные записи Подольского уезда Сухановской волости).

1921 г.

Таболовская усадьба досталась советской власти в хорошем состоянии. Три дома, строения, скот, сельхозугодья Гавриловых. Пятнадцатого июля 1921 года – первый донос какого-то “доброхота” и не последний протокол в той борьбе с “новыми строителями социализма”. Протоиерей Иосиф Введенский понимает: они пришли не только за его домом и садом. Они пришли, чтобы не было храма. И пока он борется за каждый час службы в нём, за каждый огонёк свечи, храм будет жить.

1934 г.

1 октября 1934 года состоялось окончательное закрытие Успенской церкви в с. Гаврилово Ленинского района. Потом в бывшей церкви будет склад, потом диспетчерская автобазы, водонапорная башня. В 1958 году Центральная студия документальных фильмов получила у управления культуры Мособлсовета в аренду “ветхое здание церкви, в запущенном состоянии”.

1990 г.

4 ноября 1990 года – особая дата. Первая служба в Успенской церкви г. Видное. Первая служба в первом переданном Русской Православной Церкви храме Ленинского района, открытие которого послужило добрым началом возрождения духовной жизни на Видновской земле. Настоятелем церкви был назначен игумен Тихон (Недосекин).

1992 г.

В 1992 году жизнь храма несколько изменилась, так как он был преобразован в подворье Свято-Екатерининского мужского монастыря. Одиннадцать лет Успенская церковь служила важным примером возрождения духовности и религиозности нашего общества. За это время не один десяток молодых священнослужителей проходит пастырско-богословскую практику в этом храме.

2003 г.

29 мая 2003 года начинается новая страница истории Успенского храма. Указом Управляющего Московской Епархией митрополитом Крутицким и Коломенским Ювеналием назначен новый настоятель и благочинный церквей Видновского округа священник Михаил Егоров. Таким образом, подворье древней обители становится центральным, самостоятельным храмом Видновского благочиния.

2005 г.

10 сентября 2005 года митрополит Крутицкий и Коломенский Ювеналий совершил освящение Успенской церкви. Это был день 300-летнего юбилея храма. На юбилейную дату Успенский храм также посетил губернатор Московской области Б.В. Громов.

2007 г.

4 сентября 2007 года указом митрополита Крутицкого и Коломенского Ювеналия настоятелем Успенской церкви г. Видное и помощником благочинного церквей Видновского округа назначен иеромонах Софроний (Горохольский).

2013 г.

2 июня 2013 года состоялось освящение девяти новых колоколов и теперь Успенский храм имеет самую большую в Видновском благочинии звонницу, состоящую из шестнадцати колоколов. В 1825 году колокольня храма имела всего пять колоколов, самый тяжелый из которых весил 850 кг. Все колокола были уничтожены в годы советской власти. Теперь, благодаря современным технологиям, на небольшую колокольню удалось изготовить и установить большой колокол весом более двух тонн.

2014 г.

К концу года в Успенском храме г. Видное была полностью завершена фресковая роспись всех стен. Иконография состоит из использования и элементов ярославской, новгородской и палехской техник. В общей сложности нанесено более пятидесяти многофигурных композиций (включая большие «Страшный суд», «Церковь торжествующая» и притчи евангельские), — или более тысячи персонажей.

2015 г.

В храме появились две святыни. Это новый главный храмовый образ «Успение Пресвятой Богородицы» и икона «Избранные святые» с частицами мощей вмц. Екатерины, вмц. Варвары, прп. Сергия Радонежского, ап. Андрея Первозванного, мч. Трифона, прп. Амвросия Оптинского, прп. Силуана Афонского. Эти большие иконы были установлены в напольные киоты центральной части храма.

2016 г.

К великому празднику Рождества Христова в Успенский храм г. Видное была подарена большая святыня. Это икона Пресвятой Богородицы «Знамение», написанная в 1907 году в Русском Пантелеимоновом монастыре на Святой Горе Афон. Основной смысл иконография данной иконы начинается от заступнической молитвы Богоматери Оранты (что значит «Молящаяся») к Боговоплощению Христа. «Знамение» заключает в себе образ Благовещения и предзнаменование Рождества и следующих за ним евангельских событий вплоть до Второго пришествия Христова. Перед этой иконой верующие люди просят Господа и Его Пречистую Матерь о прекращении бедствий в тяжких скорбях и искушениях, об исцелении различных болезней, о примирении с родными, детьми и соседями, о мире между странами, для избавления от кровной вражды, о защите от нападения врагов, от пожаров, о защите от воров и преступников, об избавлении от эпидемий.

Фотогалерея Видеоматериалы Аудиотека Благотворительная столовая Наши издания Юридический кабинет В поисках истины Детские сады Социальная деятельность прихода Православный образовательный клуб для взрослых — Пажить Православный образовательный клуб детского творчества — Асида Православный образовательный клуб для особых детей — Благостыня Православная паломническая служба Успенского храма г. Видное — Пальмовник Приходское собрание Библиотека Настоятели о храме
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Using two separate drugs to shed weight can be very effective you can find combinations as you're watching FDA now awaiting approval. When dealing with weight loss and the individuals who go through it you need to err along the side of caution and permit the FDA do its job and demand some study be done in order that the public recognizes the side effects and perils associated with the medications before we take them. Keep in mind that drug companies will be in business to earn money and that they would say everything to keep people on his or her medications.

Researchers found that participants using this drug to get a year, dropped excess weight within a month and have kept the weight off through the entire 56 weeks of the study. Contrave is a combination of the drugs naltrexone and bupropion, which seems to reflect a new trend of weight-loss drugs which might be made up of more than one active ingredient, that might make them far better and safer.

Combo-pilling will be the newest fad or in addition to this the newest into the future under scrutiny and for that reason it is just more publicly known in recent months, comb-pilling for losing weight has been around since the eighties. The biggest reason that using a combination of pills is now popular could be the fact that as of right now there aren't any long term prescription slimming capsules that have been authorized by the FDA aside from orlistat. The truly disturbing part is always that doctors are prescribing these combinations of medications even though some of the combinations are already rejected or have yet to be authorized by the FDA.

Seizures certainly are a side effect with Contrave and mustn't be taken in individuals with seizure disorders. The drug may also raise blood pressure and heartbeat, and mustn't be used in people with a history of cardiac arrest or stroke in the earlier six months. Blood pressure and pulse should also be measured before starting the drug and throughout therapy while using drug.

The FDA also warned that Contrave can raise hypertension and heartrate and must stop used in patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure, and also by anyone with heart-related and cerebrovascular (circulation system dysfunction impacting the mind) disease. Patients using a history of cardiac arrest or stroke in the earlier six months, life-threatening arrhythmias, or congestive heart failure were excluded through the clinical trials. Those taking Contrave needs to have their heart-rate and pulse monitored regularly. In addition, because the compound includes bupropion, Contrave comes which has a boxed warning to alert physicians and patients for the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors connected with antidepressant drugs. The warning also notes that serious neuropsychiatric events have been reported in patients taking bupropion for stop smoking.

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Contrave is looking very promising for all those seeking a diet pill that works. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reviewed Contrave on December 7, and approved the drug 13-7, stating the main benefit of the drug outweighs the chance of a possible increase in blood pressure.

Using two separate drugs to lose weight can be very effective you can find combinations in front of the FDA now awaiting approval. When dealing with weight-loss and the individuals who go through it you need to err along the side of caution and permit the FDA do its job and demand some study be done in order that the public is aware of the side effects and dangers of the medications before we take them. Keep in mind that drug companies are in business to generate income and that they would say almost anything to keep people on the medications.

Researchers found out that participants taking this drug to get a year, dropped excess weight within 4 weeks and have kept the body weight off during the entire 56 weeks with the study. Contrave can be a combination of the drugs naltrexone and bupropion, which generally seems to reflect a brand new trend of weight-loss drugs that are made up of several active ingredient, which can make them more effective and safer.

Combo-pilling is the newest fad or better yet the newest to come under scrutiny and therefore it is just more publicly known lately, comb-pilling for weight reduction has been around since the eighties. The biggest reason that employing a combination of pills is becoming popular is the fact that as of right now there are not any long term prescription slimming capsules that have been authorized by the FDA besides orlistat. The truly disturbing part is always that doctors are prescribing these combinations of medications however some of the combinations are already rejected or have yet to be licensed by the FDA.

Seizures can be a side effect with Contrave and mustn't be taken in people who have seizure disorders. The drug also can raise blood pressure and pulse rate, and really should not be used in those with a history of cardiac event or stroke in the earlier six months. Blood pressure and pulse should also be measured prior to starting the drug and throughout therapy using the drug.

The FDA also warned that Contrave can raise blood pressure levels and heartbeat and must 't be used in patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure, as well as by you are not heart-related and cerebrovascular (circulatory dysfunction impacting your brain) disease. Patients using a history of cardiac event or stroke in the earlier six months, life-threatening arrhythmias, or congestive heart failure were excluded from your clinical trials. Those taking Contrave needs to have their heart-rate and pulse monitored regularly. In addition, since compound includes bupropion, Contrave comes with a boxed warning to alert physicians and patients to the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors related to antidepressant drugs. The warning also notes that serious neuropsychiatric events have been reported in patients taking bupropion for stopping smoking.

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Physicians who treat opioid addiction also provide the option of utilizing 'medication-assisted treatment', and also the most common medications found in the treatment of opioid dependence today are methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine (Suboxone).

Using two separate drugs to lose weight can be very effective you can find combinations before the FDA now awaiting approval. When dealing with weight loss and the those who go through it you need to err to the side of caution and permit the FDA do its job and demand some research be done so that the public recognizes the side effects and dangers of the medications before we take them. Keep in mind that drug companies will be in business to generate income and that they would say almost anything to keep people on their own medications.

Researchers found out that participants taking this drug to get a year, lost excess weight within one month and have kept the weight off throughout the 56 weeks with the study. Contrave is often a combination in the drugs naltrexone and bupropion, which appears to reflect a whole new trend of weight-loss drugs which might be made up of multiple active ingredient, which might make them more efficient and safer.

Combo-pilling will be the newest fad or even better the newest in the future under scrutiny and so it is just more publicly known in recent months, comb-pilling for weight reduction has been around since the eighties. The biggest reason that using a combination of pills is becoming popular is the fact that at the time of right now there aren't any long term prescription slimming capsules that have been licensed by the FDA besides orlistat. The truly disturbing part is always that doctors are prescribing these combinations of medications however some of the combinations happen to be rejected or have yet to be approved by the FDA.

Seizures can be a side effect with Contrave and shouldn't be taken in people who have seizure disorders. The drug can also raise blood pressure levels and heartbeat, and mustn't be used in people who have a history of cardiac event or stroke in the earlier six months. Blood pressure and pulse should also be measured prior to starting the drug and throughout therapy with the drug.

The FDA also warned that Contrave can raise blood pressure level and heartbeat and must not used in patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure levels, in addition to by a person with heart-related and cerebrovascular (circulation system dysfunction impacting the brain) disease. Patients having a history of cardiac event or stroke in the previous six months, life-threatening arrhythmias, or congestive heart failure were excluded in the clinical trials. Those taking Contrave needs to have their heart-rate and pulse monitored regularly. In addition, since compound includes bupropion, Contrave comes using a boxed warning to alert health care professionals and patients for the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors related to antidepressant drugs. The warning also notes that serious neuropsychiatric events are actually reported in patients taking bupropion for stop smoking.

BioCorRx, Inc.'s naltrexone implant isn't any bigger than a thumb and it is inserted underneath the patient's skin via a 30-minute, noninvasive outpatient procedure made by a healthcare professional. The implant is administered as part of BioCorRx, Inc.'s Start Fresh Program that is distributed in several states by independent rehabilitation facilities.

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the usage of Contrave (naltrexone hydrochloride and bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets) to help you manage chronic obesity in grown-ups with a body mass index (BMI) in excess of 27, so long as they also are afflicted by weight-related health problems such as Tupe2 diabestes, high cholesterol and/or hypertension (high blood pressure).Contrave is often a combination of two FDA-approved drugs, naltrexone and bupropion, in the extended-release formulation. Naltrexone is approved to treat alcohol and opioid dependence. Bupropion qualifies to treat depression and seasonal affective disorder in addition to being an aid to quitting smoking treatment.'Obesity is still a major public health concern,' said Jean-Marc Guettier, M.D., director of the Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products in FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. 'When used as directed in combination having a healthy lifestyle that includes a reduced-calorie diet and exercise, Contrave provides another treatment option for chronic weight reduction for people who are obese or are overweight and also have at least one weight-related health.'The drug's effectiveness was evaluated in multiple clinical trials that included approximately 4,500 obese and overweight patients with and without significant weight-related conditions treated for one year. All patients received lifestyle modification that consisted of a reduced- calorie diet and regular exercise. Results from a clinical study that enrolled patients without diabetes showed that patients had an average weight loss of four.1% instead of participants who were given placebos) after a 12- month period, while a different study involving patients with diabetes type 2 symptoms had the average weight loss of 2% over treatment with placebo at one year.

Using two separate drugs to shed pounds can be very effective there are combinations while watching FDA now awaiting approval. When dealing with fat loss and the people who go through it you should err on the side of caution and allow FDA do its job and demand some investigation be done so your public is aware of the side effects and perils associated with the medications before we take them. Keep in mind that drug companies come in business to make money and that they would say almost anything to keep people on their own medications.

Researchers found out that participants taking this drug for any year, lost excess weight within a month and have kept the extra weight off through the 56 weeks in the study. Contrave is really a combination in the drugs naltrexone and bupropion, which appears to reflect a new trend of weight-loss drugs which are made up of multiple active ingredient, that might make them more potent and safer.

Combo-pilling will be the newest fad or also the newest into the future under scrutiny and thus it is just more publicly known recently, comb-pilling for losing weight has been around since the eighties. The biggest reason that using a combination of pills has become popular is the fact that as of right now there aren't any long term prescription diet pills that have been licensed by the FDA apart from orlistat. The truly disturbing part is the fact that doctors are prescribing these combinations of medications and some of the combinations happen to be rejected or have yet to be authorized by the FDA.

Seizures certainly are a side effect with Contrave and shouldn't be taken in people who have seizure disorders. The drug could also raise blood pressure level and heart rate, and shouldn't be used in those with a history of cardiac event or stroke in the previous six months. Blood pressure and pulse should also be measured prior to starting the drug and throughout therapy with all the drug.

The FDA also warned that Contrave can raise blood pressure and heartbeat and must not be used in patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure levels, along with by you are not heart-related and cerebrovascular (circulation system dysfunction impacting your brain) disease. Patients with a history of heart attack or stroke in the previous six months, life-threatening arrhythmias, or congestive heart failure were excluded through the clinical trials. Those taking Contrave needs to have their heart-rate and pulse monitored regularly. In addition, because the compound includes bupropion, Contrave comes having a boxed warning to alert medical professionals and patients on the increased probability of suicidal thoughts and behaviors related to antidepressant drugs. The warning also notes that serious neuropsychiatric events happen to be reported in patients taking bupropion for stopping smoking.

A pyromaniac, with both psychiatric and medical therapy, can nonetheless be treated. It is best completed with behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy treatment alongside behavior modification is easily the most frequently used treatment. Based on the study of Jon Grant, a combination treatment of drugs and behavioral therapy is discovered to be successful in treating pyromania. The using serotonin reuptake inhibitors is also beneficial in governing the impulsive behavior in the patient as in other impulse control disorder. Also ideal for the patient are medications for example Lithium, naltrexone, (ReVia), fluoxetine (Prozac), citalopram (Celexa), paroxetene (Paxil), as well as other antidepressants.

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The prior article within this series presented the regular treatments for opiates addiction. Suboxone allows a whole new approach.

Using two separate drugs to shed pounds can be very effective you'll find combinations as you're watching FDA now awaiting approval. When dealing with weight reduction and the individuals who go through it you should err assisting caution and allow FDA do its job and demand some study be done so your public understands the side effects and hazards of the medications before we take them. Keep in mind that drug companies come in business to earn money and that they would say everything to keep people on the medications.

Researchers found out that participants investing in this drug to get a year, dropped a few pounds within 4 weeks and have kept the body weight off through the 56 weeks of the study. Contrave is a combination of the drugs naltrexone and bupropion, which seems to reflect a brand new trend of weight-loss drugs which are made up of more than one active ingredient, which may make them more effective and safer.

Combo-pilling will be the newest fad or in addition to this the newest into the future under scrutiny and so it is just more publicly known lately, comb-pilling for weight reduction has been around since the eighties. The biggest reason that utilizing a combination of pills is now popular is the fact that since right now there are no long term prescription diet pills that have been licensed by the FDA besides orlistat. The truly disturbing part is always that doctors are prescribing these combinations of medications and some of the combinations have been rejected or have yet to be licensed by the FDA.

Seizures are a side effect with Contrave and really should not be taken in people who have seizure disorders. The drug may also raise hypertension and heart rate, and shouldn't be used in individuals with a history of heart attack or stroke in the last six months. Blood pressure and pulse should also be measured before beginning the drug and throughout therapy using the drug.

The FDA also warned that Contrave can raise blood pressure level and pulse rate and must 't be used in patients with uncontrolled high hypertension, along with by anyone with heart-related and cerebrovascular (circulation system dysfunction impacting the brain) disease. Patients which has a history of heart attack or stroke in the previous six months, life-threatening arrhythmias, or congestive heart failure were excluded through the clinical trials. Those taking Contrave should have their heart-rate and pulse monitored regularly. In addition, since compound includes bupropion, Contrave comes having a boxed warning to alert health care professionals and patients towards the increased likelihood of suicidal thoughts and behaviors related to antidepressant drugs. The warning also notes that serious neuropsychiatric events happen to be reported in patients taking bupropion for quitting smoking.

A pyromaniac, with both psychiatric and medical therapy, can still be treated. It is best done with behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy treatment alongside behavior modification is easily the most frequently used treatment. Based on the study of Jon Grant, a mixture treatment of drugs and behavioral therapy was found to be successful for pyromania. The using serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be beneficial in manipulating the impulsive behavior of the patient like other impulse control disorder. Also of great help for the patient are medications like Lithium, naltrexone, (ReVia), fluoxetine (Prozac), citalopram (Celexa), paroxetene (Paxil), and other antidepressants.


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